
I originally started this site as a travel blog but it has since taken on a life of its own and I write about whatever comes to mind. Politics, culture, my experiences around the world and in my own country. Feel free to follow me and leave comments!

My Other Sites

Word Press- New blog so I can publish stuff from China. Enjoy and thanks for viewing!

Flickr Stream - I have photos of my last trips to China along with some other stuff. Comments are always welcome!

Facebook - Friend me if you like. But don't be one of thise weird friends that you never hear from after being added.

Follow me on Twitter I usually just post links to new updates or articles I come across. It's still best to just subscribe to me though since I forget about tweeting sometimes.

Sina blog- Chinese blog I've been working on in my spare time. the website is a little counter-intuitive for Westerners but I'm giving it a shot.

Weibo- Weibo is like a Chinese Twitter/Facebook. It's usually just me and Jen flirting back and forth but if you've got one then feel free to add me up!